Caramel Walnut Spiders for Halloween

Total Time

20 Mins






These spiders are the perfect treat for your Halloween party.


  • 5 black licorice laces
  • 12 caramels, soft
  • 12 California walnut halves
  • 5 ounce bar dark chocolate, melted
  • 3 tablespoons sprinkles, black


  1. Using a knife or scissors, cut licorice into 1-inch pieces. You will need 8 per spider for a total of 96 pieces. For a more realistic look, cut pieces diagonally to form a pointed end.
  2. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  3. On a parchment lined baking sheet, place 6 caramels evenly spaced apart with one walnut half on top of each caramel. Bake in oven for 3 minutes to slightly melt caramel. Working quickly, push 8 liquorice legs into sides of one caramel to form the legs of the spider. Repeat steps with remaining caramels and walnuts. Let cool.
  4. Meanwhile, melt chocolate in the microwave on high for three 30-second increments, stirring in between or on a double boiler, then spoon or pipe about 1 teaspoon of chocolate over the walnuts. Sprinkle chocolate with black sprinkles and let set.

Note: These can be made ahead and stored in an airtight container for up to a week.


  • Calories: 140 cal
  • Total Fat: 7 g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 2 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 50 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 20 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 1 g
  • Protein: 2 g
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