Walnut & Apple Waldorf Salad with Yogurt
- 6 lb. + 4 oz. California walnuts
- 12 lb. + 8 oz. fresh sliced apples
- 3 lb. + 12 oz. dried cranberries, USDA material #100301
- 25 lb. plain yogurt (high protein), USDA material #110397
Meal Equivalencies
2 oz meat/meat alternative (1oz eq each from walnuts and yogurt), 3/4 cup fruit
Production Notes
California walnuts are best kept frozen, and can be used from a frozen state.
Walnuts are the only nut significantly high in the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid
(ALA) (2.5g/oz).
Milk, Tree Nuts.
Step 1
Day of Service:
Pre Prep:
- Clean and sanitize workstation.
- Set up 6-quart food processor with S blade.
- Set up large mixing bowl with a whisk or paddle. (If mixing by hand, pull a spatula and large bowl).
- Pull California Walnuts and Fresh Apple Slices from cooler and place at workstation.
CCP: Prepare foods at room temperature in two hours or less.
Step 2
- Wash hands thoroughly and put on gloves.
- Add 2 ½ lbs. of walnuts to the food processor.
- Pulse 10 times, to roughly chop walnuts. Do not over-process.
- Empty walnuts into large mixing bowl.
- Repeat for 3 additional batches of walnuts.
- Using same processor, add 2 lbs. of apple slices.
- Pulse lightly 4-5 times or until the apples are roughly chopped. Do not overfill the processor to ensure apples are chopped and not pureed.
- Add apples to the walnuts in the large mixing bowl.
CCP: Never handle ready to eat foods with bare hands.
Step 3
- Pull dried cranberries and plain yogurt from cooler and place at workstation.
- Wash hands thoroughly and put on gloves.
- Add dried cranberries to the walnuts and apples and fold all together.
- Fold in the yogurt.
- Blend gently to avoid bruising the apples.
CCP: Pre-chill ingredients for foods served cold (sandwiches and salads) below 41ºF before combining.
Step 4
- Pull 8 oz. spoodle and 10 oz. dish & covers.
- Wash hands thoroughly and put on gloves.
- Using one 8 oz. spoodle, portion 1 cup into each container.
- Cover and date stamp.
- Place on sheet pan in single layer and refrigerate until service.
CCP: Hold below 41°F.
Step 5
- Serve: One Walnut and Apple Waldorf Salad with yogurt.
- Serve this fruit salad with whole grains and a walking salad for grab & go fun.
- This Waldorf salad can be served immediately or refrigerated for 24 hours.
CCP: Hold below 41°F.