Boards and Committees - California Walnuts

Boards and Committees

California Walnut Board

The California Walnut Board was established in 1948 to represent the walnut growers and handlers of California. The Board is funded by mandatory assessments of the handlers. The CWB is governed by a Federal Walnut Marketing Order. The Board promotes usage of walnuts in the United States through publicity and educational program and provides funding for walnut production and post-harvest research.

California Walnut Commission

The California Walnut Commission, established in 1987, is funded by mandatory assessments of the growers. The Commission is an agency of the State of California that works in concurrence with the Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). The CWC is mainly involved in health research and export market development activities.

Audit Committee

ADMINISTERED BY: California Walnut Board & California Walnut Commission

The Audit committee is responsible for financial, procedural and policy oversight. Both the CWB and CWC committees meet concurrently.

Executive Committee

ADMINISTERED BY: California Walnut Board & California Walnut Commission

The Budget and Personnel committee oversees administrative issues and approves, prior to being sent to the full Board, all budgets and personnel issues.

Diversity Committee

ADMINISTERED BY: California Walnut Board & California Walnut Commission

The Diversity committee was established to attempt to bring greater diversity to the boards and their committees.

Grades and Standards Committee

ADMINISTERED BY: California Walnut Board

The Grades and Standards committee periodically reviews the grades and standards the industry uses and their suitability and acceptability in world trade.

Industry Communication Committee

ADMINISTERED BY: California Walnut Commission

The Intra-Industry Communications committee is responsible for directing staff regarding communication with the growers of our industry.

Issues Management Committee

ADMINISTERED BY:  California Walnut Commission

The Issues Management committee is responsible for communicating with government officials here in the state of California and in the nation’s capital.

Marketing Order Revision Committee

ADMINISTERED BY: California Walnut Board & California Walnut Commission

The Marketing Order Revision Committee (MORC) is responsible for evaluating proposed changes to the federal marketing order for walnuts (Juglans Regia).

Production Research Committee

ADMINISTERED BY: California Walnut Board

The Production Research committee of the Board is responsible for overseeing the production research activities.

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