First International California Walnut Commission Harvest Tour

California Walnuts
Oct 28, 2013
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Harvest can be a key element of reaching media in a memorable way. On October 2, the California Walnut Commission welcomed 16 guests representing media from South Korea, Spain, China, and Germany to the first International Harvest Tour.

Harvest can be a key element of reaching media in a memorable way. On October 2, the California Walnut Commission welcomed 16 guests representing media from South Korea, Spain, China, and Germany to the first International Harvest Tour. Our goal was to provide an enjoyable, educational and delicious experience so the media took away an understanding of the many flavorful and nutritious aspects of walnuts.

The tour, based in the scenic Napa Valley, offered the media the opportunity to experience the California walnut harvest firsthand. They saw the quality orchard practices, the care given to the crop and met one of the growers who cultivate this delicious food. The guests had the chance to see the harvest in progress, including the shaking of the trees, and enjoy unique and delightful walnut dishes at a variety of restaurants.

After visiting an orchard that was in the process of being harvested, the tour stopped at the home of Jack Mariani, who spoke about the care his family puts into the harvest and processing. as well as the quality of California walnuts. This care and quality was evident as the group toured a processing facility where they witnessed all the safety and quality measures in action.

The tour also included delicious walnut themed menus prepared by well known chefs throughout the Northern California region. California walnuts were featured in a large variety of courses from soup to meat entrees to dessert. Additionally, the media guests were able to see one of these items being prepared at the world famous Culinary Institute of America at Greystone, where they viewed a cooking demonstration featuring smoked California walnuts.

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