Natural Defenders Goes Social

California Walnuts
Dec 16, 2013
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2013 will see an exciting new evolution of the ‘Natural Defenders’ message of the consumer print advertising – into the social media arena. Starting in January 2013, CWB will be launching an app to encourage involvement, via social-media sharing, in a ‘Natural Defenders of the Human Body™ Health Movement.’

2013 will see an exciting new evolution of the ‘Natural Defenders’ message of the consumer print advertising – into the social media arena. Starting in January 2013, CWB will be launching an app to encourage involvement, via social-media sharing, in a ‘Natural Defenders of the Human Body™ Health Movement.’

The aim is to extend the brand messaging beyond simple nutrition, by associating California Walnuts with quirky ways to enjoy a healthy and happy lifestyle. Beautiful, funny and inspiring health-related images and tips, developed from ideas submitted in a related social media contest that ran in 2012, will be promoted online via a Facebook app, as well as Twitter, Pinterest and online recipe/health-related sites. The public will be encouraged to become part of the Natural Defenders Health Movement by posting and sharing the images. It is hoped that brand advocates such as Dr David Katz and Dr Michael Roizen will support the effort through promoting the app to their extensive social media following.

The target consumer for the app is primarily health and food conscious women, aged 35 and above. This demographic is increasingly active on social media sites, enjoys sharing funny and inspirational messaging and looks for simple, practical ways to improve their health and that of their family.

The social media campaign will run during January, February and early March – a time of year when people are particularly receptive to health-related messaging. It will support the on-going consumer print advertising in look and feel and will be followed in March by a sweepstakes contest.

The Facebook app is at and you can view the gallery of images on the website at:

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