Health and Nutrition Research Grant Program

Global Health & Nutrition Research Program 2024 Request for Proposals

For nearly four decades, the California Walnut Commission (CWC) has been dedicated to supporting innovative research to better understand potential health effects of walnut consumption and the role of walnuts in healthy lifestyles. As part of this long-standing commitment, the CWC is seeking proposals to support human clinical trials and observational studies on priority topics. Importantly, CWC encourages researchers from academic centers around the globe to consider participating in this Request for Proposals (RFP).

 Priority Topics

Role of Walnuts in Nourishing Wellbeing

Understanding the impact of walnut consumption on:

  • Skin health;
  • Sleep quality, including impact on cognitive health and/or physical performance; and/or
  • Mental wellness (e.g., mental wellbeing, cognition health, mental acuity) 

Role of Walnuts in Supporting Disease Prevention and Management

Understanding the role of walnut consumption on metabolic syndrome, particularly its impact on type 2 diabetes and overweight/obesity

Role of Walnuts in Achieving Nutrition Security for All

Understanding how/if walnuts affect food allergies, particularly in toddlers and young children

Please note: Priority will be given to proposals that effectively address one or more of these priorities, as well as those that consider how walnuts can optimize growth and vibrancy at different life stages (e.g., children ages 6-11, adolescents ages 12-19, and adults ages 20-59), socioeconomic status, and/or cultural background. CWC appreciates studies that capture data related to race, gender, age, socioeconomic status, and cultural background, to help contribute to the body of evidence to understand how these factors may impact dietary behaviors, health outcomes, and nutrition security related to walnut consumption. 


  • March 8, 2024: Letters of Intent (LOI) due on Proposal Central
  • March 15, 2024: CWC notifies all researchers of next steps
  • April 30, 2024: Full proposals due
  • May-June 2024: Proposals reviewed by members of CWC Scientific Advisory Board and expert peer reviewers
  • July 2024: Researchers notified of funding decisions

Submission Details

  • Please submit LOIs through Proposal Central
  • LOIs should include:
    • Specific aims
    • Background and significance
    • Project description and methodology
    • Expected outcomes and limitations, including potential impact on public health 
    • Budget and timeline
    • Related experience
  • The proposed study must address the effects of whole walnuts or walnut butter consumption on the above-stated priority topics.
  • CWC is aiming to fund 3-4 studies as part of this RFP, with an approximate limit of $100-150,000 per observational study and an approximate limit of $400-500,000 per clinical trial. 
  • Indirect costs of up to 10% of total direct costs will be permitted and should be included in the total proposed budget. 
  • Proposals will be considered for single-year and multi-year projects.

Please direct questions to Tricia Psota, PhD, RDN:

Learn more about CWC’s Global Health & Nutrition Research Program and Research Integrity Guidelines here.

Funding Opportunities 

The California Walnut Commission (CWC) does not accept unsolicited requests for funding, and instead issues an annual call for research proposals. The annual CWC RFP is now underway, and funding decisions will be made by August 2024. Click here for more information about the RFP and view the application to submit a letter of intent. Please submit your contact information below if you’d like to be added to the CWC scientist database.

If you have any other questions about our research program, please contact Dr. Rachel Blaine at

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