Pico de gallo pictured is not included in the ingredients, but could be added as a tasty side.
Milk, Tree Nuts, Wheat
2 oz eq meat/meat alternate (1 oz eq each from walnuts and cheese), 1 oz eq whole grain-rich grains, 1⁄8 cup other vegetable
Purchase 4 lb of fresh diced onion, RTU to yield 100 1⁄8 cup servings.
When the walnuts are toasted they release their oils and the seasoning will stick. Do not try and season prior to toasting. This method eliminates the necessity of adding additional oil and fat.
California walnuts are best kept frozen, and can be used from a frozen state.
Walnuts are the only nut significantly high in the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) (2.5g/oz).
Step 1
Day of Service
Step 2
Step 3
CCP: Cool hot cooked food from above 135ºF to 70ºF or lower within two hours.
CCP: Pre-chill ingredients below 41°F for foods served cold (sandwiches and salads) before combining.
Step 4
CCP: Never handle ready to eat foods with bare hands.
Step 5
CCP: Prepare foods at room temperature in two hours or less.
CCP: Never handle ready to eat foods with bare hands.
Step 6
CCP: Hold below 41°F.
Step 7