Reinforcing Nutritional Benefits - California Walnuts

Shopper Insights

Reinforcing Nutritional Benefits

Shoppers are well aware of the nutritional benefits of nuts. Reminding them of the benefits that are unique to walnuts can drive increased volume


Consumers increasingly are seeking healthier food options, and awareness of nutritional benefits significantly increases the likelihood of purchasing walnuts.


Use signage to highlight the benefits of California walnuts. Utilize materials from the California Walnut Board that bear the American Heart Association’s Heart-Check mark to reinforce walnuts’ certification as a heart-healthy food choice.

21% of consumers report they are eating more nuts since the start of the pandemic.2


Tree nuts are widely viewed as a nutritious food choice. Walnuts are the only nut that is an excellent source of essential omega-3 ALA (2.5 g/oz). ALA has been associated with benefits for heart health, brain health and inflammation.


Promote walnuts’ nutritional benefits to attract attention before shopping and in-store to drive added sales.  Highlight that walnuts are the only nut that is an excellent source of omega-3 ALA, a plant-based good fat.

2. CWB A&U Study 2021

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