Suggesting New Uses - California Walnuts

Shopper Insights

Suggesting New Uses

California walnuts’ unique taste and texture make them a versatile ingredient in a wide array of both sweet and savory recipes and snacks

Snacking surpassed baking in 2017 to become the #1 use for walnuts3


The megatrend of snacking has significantly influenced walnut consumption patterns even without the benefit of significant industry efforts.


Promote out-of-hand walnut snacking by communicating the nutritional benefits that a handful of walnuts provide, and suggest easy snacking solutions like topping yogurt or making DIY trail mixes using walnuts.

Walnuts in Bowl

Men eat a lot of walnuts, mostly for snacking


Men are less willing to cook or bake with walnuts but enjoy eating them out-of-hand as a nutritious snack. U.S. adult males are more likely to eat walnuts plain as a snack than used in cooking or baking. 4


Include male-oriented messaging and imagery to increase sales volume of California walnuts. Consider using photos of men enjoying walnuts as an out-of-hand snack, and remind shoppers of the many nutritional benefits of walnuts.

Grow walnut sales volume by suggesting new uses


Consumers have not been given compelling reasons to try experimenting with walnuts more broadly. 23% of consumers state that they don’t know a lot of ways to use walnuts. 2


Increase California walnut consumption by recommending additional/new uses, but also suggest the reasons why : walnuts’ delicious flavor, their unique taste and texture and a myriad of nutritional benefits.

Consumers are open to using walnuts in a wide variety of ways but need to be reminded in-store


86% of consumers say they would be likely to use walnuts in trail mix, 77% reported likely to use in salads and 66% would add walnuts to their yogurt. 2


Cross-merchandise California walnuts. Consider displaying walnuts adjacent to refrigerated salad mixes or the yogurt section of the dairy case, as well as joint displays of walnuts with dark chocolate chips, raisins or dried cranberries.

Walnuts are not top-of-mind with consumers who may be seeking plant-forward meal solutions


California walnuts can be used in many delicious and nutritious plant-forward recipes. While the trend of plant-forward eating and meat alternatives continues, only 9% of walnut users currently report consuming them as an alternative to meat 2


Drive added interest and sales by promoting California walnuts’ use in recipes such as walnut chorizo tacos, walnut omega burgers, walnut firehouse chili, walnut hummus or even walnut meatloaf!

2. CWB A&U Study 2021
3. CWB A&U Studies 2017, 2019, 2021
4. CWB Consumer Snacking Survey 2019

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