Diabetes, Diet and Dots: Connecting through Education

California Walnuts
Oct 28, 2013
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Renowned nutrition and diabetes experts and David Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, will review the current literature, trends and new research in regard to diabetes and diet that may result in net improvements in overall diet quality and cardiac risk measures. Attendees will expand their knowledge base about the important role specific foods can play in the management of diabetes. Objectives include:

  1. Describe the current state of diabetes in the US and its impact on health and wealth.
  2. Discuss what is currently known about optimal dietary patterns for diabetes and the influence of foods on health and specifically diabetes.
  3. Describe strategies that can help improve diet and health, one well-informed choice at a time.

Date: June 20, 2013 (live); and will also be available as an on-demand recorded webinar that will be available on the AADE website for the following 2 years.

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