110 Woodmere Road, Ste. 250
Folsom, CA 95630
By Lynn Morgan Data from the 2012 Agricultural Census, shows that the primary owner/operators of our farms in California are white males. For example, of all farms in California, 18% are owned and operated by women, implying that the remaining 82% are operated by men. Regarding race and ethnicity of…
The European Union (EU) recently revised the definition of the residues included under the limits for the pesticide fosetyl-al (Aliette). While fosetyl-al is not approved for use on bearing walnuts, almonds, and pistachios, the expanded EU definition includes, under the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL), phosphite-containing products, such as potassium phosphite,…
Cancer and its contributing factors were the subject of multiple walnut research studies this year. Among the most compelling results were findings on the relationship between walnuts and both breast and prostate cancer, as well as walnuts’ anti-inflammatory properties. It’s important to note, these cell and animal studies are provided…
The California Walnut Commission lent support to research projects that resulted in 29 peer-reviewed published papers in 2014. To date, research on California walnuts has culminated in 150 publications over the past two decades – and every year more is revealed about the exciting health benefits of this nutrition-packed nut….
New research explored the effects of eating walnuts on cognitive health–and found exciting results. The study examined the association between walnut consumption and measures of cognitive function in the US population. It was a nationally representative cross sectional study using 24 hour dietary recalls of intakes to assess walnut and…
The American Diabetes Association supports the position that there is no one diet for diabetes. Given that the risks for heart disease are elevated with diabetes, a heart healthy style of eating is encouraged. Knowing that being overweight can cause insulin resistance (the body’s ability to use insulin), this heart…