110 Woodmere Road, Ste. 250
Folsom, CA 95630
It can be a daily struggle to keep the whole family eating well, especially with picky eaters in the house. Keep the whole gang happy with these fast and easy tricks to make every meal delicious and nutritious. 1. Set an example. Don’t be a short-order cook. Inspire kids to…
Cancer is a 4-letter word. Yes, there are 6 letters, yet it has become known as “the c-word,” too scary to be called by its real name. While food is a daily behavior we can leverage for health, fewer than 1 in 10 consumers in the U.S. associate specific foods…
What are the best ways to get high quality walnuts that are light in color and fully developed? Read the Top 8 Harvest Best Practices to find out. Just before the harvest: 1. Do not allow nuts to become water stressed. This will lead to lower weight, and obviously, lower…
In July the CWC brought together researchers and scientists from around the world to talk about walnuts and walnut research. Researchers and scientists from around the world were brought together in late July for the California Walnut Commission’s annual Scientific Advisory Council to discuss new and diverse areas of walnut…
Today, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service California Field Office released the annual crop estimate for California walnuts, predicting the 2014 annual yield to be a record 545,000 tons. The 2014 estimate is 11 percent higher than the 2013 yield of 492,000 tons. California walnuts account for 99 percent of…
Learn more about considerations for managing the 2014 drought. Managing the Drought Previous orchard development decisions that include investment in groundwater development, choice of an efficient irrigation method, and orchard systems that foster earlier production have an important role in managing the 2014 drought. Walnut is sensitive to a reliable…