List - California Walnuts

Health Topics

Why Are Walnuts Good For My Heart?

Eating walnuts as part of a healthy diet may decrease your risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death globally.

How Can You Make Lifestyle Changes to Promote Cardiac Health?

You can take an active role in your health to prevent heart disease. While many factors contribute to heart disease, making sure you don’t smoke, eating a healthy diet and getting regular physical activity all promote good health habits to reduce your risk of heart disease. Knowing your risk factors…

American Heart Association® Heart-Check Mark Certified Recipes

Smart for the heart walnut recipes that are Heart-Check certified.

What Are Anti-Inflammatory Foods?

The way we eat can help our bodies fight chronic inflammation. Food compounds such as fatty acids can help calm inflammation, and certain foods have more beneficial compounds than others. For example, walnuts are high in an omega-3 fat called ALA (2.5g/oz) shown in cell culture and animal studies to…

How Do You Eat the Mediterranean Diet When You Don’t Live There?

The Mediterranean diet consists of more plant foods and less animal food but also consists of a healthier lifestyle including taking time to enjoy meals.  Produce options might be limited during the winter in many areas of the country but you can use frozen vegetables in stews and soups and…

Building Your Defense Against Cancer

Cancer is a 4-letter word. Yes, there are 6 letters, yet it has become known as “the c-word,” too scary to be called by its real name. While food is a daily behavior we can leverage for health, fewer than 1 in 10 consumers in the U.S. associate specific foods…

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