Balanced Lifestyle

A Snacking Win for Women: Walnuts

Food plays a big role in everyone’s identity, and those born between 1997-2012, commonly known as Gen Z, have been deemed the “foodie generation.” Gen Z is driven to a particular food by varied factors, but data suggests foods that support health and well-being by providing energy, managing weight, and fostering mental health are priorities.1,2

Yet when it comes to choosing foods that support these needs, Gen Z, along with Millennials and beyond, often overlook a convenient and important food group – tree nuts, including walnuts.  

Nuts, including walnuts, are nutrient dense and considered a key component of many recommended dietary patterns, including the Mediterranean and vegetarian diets. They are also recommended for daily consumption in the latest U.S. Dietary Guidelines.3 Despite the recommendations, nuts remain under-consumed by the U.S. population,3 perhaps because nuts are calorie-dense, leading to potential concerns that including nuts in the diet could promote weight gain.

But new research suggests Gen Z and Millennials should reconsider nuts, like walnuts.

New Research Evaluates the Impact of Nuts on Weight Management for Gen Z and Millennials

In a recent observational study from Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington, funded by the California Walnut Commission, researchers observed that adolescents and young adults who consumed walnuts and other nuts had a lower prevalence of obesity when compared with those who consumed no nuts.4

Researchers analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which included more than 19,000 adolescents (12 – 19 years old) and young adults (20 – 39 years old) to understand the associations between consumption of walnuts and other nuts with measures of obesity including relative fat mass (RFM), a validated tool for estimating body fat percent and regional fat composition.

In particular, young women consuming only walnuts had a significantly lower prevalence of obesity when compared to non-nut consumers. However, this association was not found among young men, adolescent boys, or adolescent girls who consumed walnuts only. Researchers also observed that adolescent girls and young women who consumed walnuts only, or other nuts, had a significantly lower RFM compared to non-nuts consumers. Only young males in the walnut and other nut groups showed an inverse association with RFM compared to no nuts group, this was not found in adolescent boys.4

These results are promising suggesting that there may be an association between the consumption of nuts, especially walnuts, with a lower prevalence of obesity and lower RFM within certain populations. However, cause and effect could not be determined, and additional research is needed to support these results.

“As a registered dietitian and a mom of a college student, I’m excited by the emerging research highlighting the potential cognitive, mental health, and metabolic benefits of walnuts for teens and young adults. Incorporating walnuts into kids’ daily lives is easy, delicious, and nutritious, and it’s a strategy that may help them thrive mentally and physically during these critical developmental years,” notes Samantha Cassetty, MS, RD.

Beyond Weight Management: Walnuts May Support Overall Physical and Mental Well-Being in Gen Z & Millennials

Teens and young adults crave food that supports both their physical and mental health, with over 30% seeking emotional and mental health benefits.1 Research suggests that daily walnut consumption could potentially support cognitive health and mental well-being in this unique population.

  • Daily Walnut Consumption May Support Teens’ Focus and Attention – In a multi-school randomized controlled trial of 771 healthy teenagers ages 11 to 16, those who consumed 30 grams of walnuts per day (1 ounce or 1 handful) for six months had improved scores for attention, fluid intelligence (i.e. problem solving, quick reasoning skills) and ADHD symptoms, when compared to the group not eating walnuts.6,* The positive results in this study were only seen in those teenagers who consumed more than 3 servings of walnuts per week. While these results are positive it should be noted that less than half of the participants in the intervention group adhered to the protocol of eating walnuts daily. Thus, the positive results of this study were only seen in the teenagers who regularly ate walnuts. While more research is needed, this study provides valuable insights and a basis for further research on the effect of walnuts on brain development in adolescents.
  • Walnuts May Improve Mental Health and General Well-Being in University Students – A novel study of 80 healthy university students ages 18 to 35 found that 2 ounces (or about 2 handfuls) of walnuts a day for 16 weeks prevented negative changes in self-reported mental health scores and scores of stress and depression during a stressful academic period, compared to those who did not eat walnuts. The group that ate walnuts experienced an increase in markers that protect against stress and a decrease in those that are linked with stress.7,*
  • Snacking on Walnuts May Improve Metabolic Health in Young Adults – In a recent study of 84 young adults, ages 22 to 36, with at least one metabolic syndrome risk factor, researchers found that snacking on 1 ounce of mixed unsalted tree nuts, including walnuts, twice daily, may improve metabolic health, when compared to carbohydrate-rich snacks. Among tree nut snack consumers, researchers observed a reduction in waist circumference and lipid markers in female participants and decreased blood insulin levels in male participants. Those consuming tree nut snacks also saw an effect on triglycerides and TG/HDL ratios with TG/HDL ratios reduced ~11% compared to those consuming carbohydrate-rich snacks.8,*

These studies are not without limitations. While the findings cannot prove causality, they do shed light on how nuts, including walnuts, can be a part of a healthy diet that supports metabolic health and well-being. Additional research is needed to determine how these results apply to other populations.   

Simple Action in the Kitchen – Just Add Walnuts

Walnuts are tasty and versatile and can be added to meals and snacks to support optimal nutrition in Gen Z and Millennials, while also helping to close the gap in consumption.

Cassetty suggests toasting walnuts to toss into whole grain salads, roasted veggies like broccoli and green beans, and breakfast foods like yogurt bowls and oatmeal. “They also make green salads heartier and more enticing. Walnuts are also a natural fit for baked goods, and walnuts with dark chocolate is one of my favorite dessert pairings,” she added.

A 1-ounce serving of walnuts contains a powerhouse of nutrients for optimal health.

Simple ways to just add walnuts:

  • Breakfast can be made easy with prep-ahead breakfasts, like this Banana Walnut Bread Overnight Oats recipe that eliminates the need to wake up extra early to make a meal or wait in line at a grab-and-go spot.
  • Make snack time flavorful with this simple Rosemary and Sea Salt Walnut recipe. It’s also perfect for entertaining!
  • Make lunch a time to refuel with nourishing meals, like this Walnut Balsamic Spinach Salad recipe that is tasty and filling to get through a busy afternoon.
  • Dinnertime doesn’t need to be complex. This Walnut Mexican Street Corn Taco recipe makes the perfect weeknight dinner in just 18 minutes.

For more recipes and research on the health benefits of walnuts, visit

*Research was funded by the California Walnut Commission
  1. International Food Information Council. 2024 Food & Health Survey. June 20, 2024. Accessed July 22, 2024.
  2. International Food Information Council. 2022 Food & Health Survey. 18 May 2022. Accessed July 22, 2024.
  3. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th Edition. December 2020. Available at
  4. Gletsu-Miller N, Henschel B, Tekwe C, Thiagarajah, K. A Cross-Sectional Study on the Association of Walnut Consumption with Obesity and Relative Fat Mass among United States Adolescents and Young Adults in NHANES (2003–2020). Curr Dev Nutr. 2024; 8(8): 104407.
  5. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central, 2019.
  6. Pinar-Martí A, Gignac F, Fernández-Barrés S, et al. Effect of Walnut Consumption on Neuropsychological Development in Healthy Adolescents: A Multi-school Randomized Controlled Trial. eclinicalmedicine. 2023;59:101954.
  7. Herselman MF, et al. The effects of walnuts and academic stress on mental health, general well-being and the gut microbiota in a sample of university students: A randomised clinical trial. Nutrients. 2022;14:4776.
  8. Sumislawski K, Widmer A, Suro RR, Robles ME, Lillegard K, Olson D, Koethe JR, Silver HJ. Consumption of Tree Nuts as Snacks Reduces Metabolic Syndrome Risk in Young Adults: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients. 2023;15(24):5051.
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